
App Volumes Capture Error 2755

Had another weird App Volumes 2.15 error recently. I have a few Windows 10 LTSC 2019 capture machines (1809) and was getting error 2755 unable to detect the file whenever the installer would try to start a .msi file.

I tried rebuilding, I tried disabling UAC, Windows Firewall, anything I could think of. After a bit of internet searching I found several articles saying to remove KB4487017 (February updates). Unfortunately, there was no relevant KB to delete.

After a few more frustrating attempts, I came across a post recommending the following registry change:

on the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svdriver\Parameters add the following to the HookInjectionWhitelist

*msiexec.exe ||*

This solved it for my environment, hopefully it will help you as well!